Tag Archives: Facebook

Digital professionalism in the age of social networks

Social media is now enmeshed in everyone’s lives. More than eight out of 10 (83%) adults go online using any device in any location. Facebook has 31 million users in the UK, while Twitter has 15 million active users, according to socialmediatoday. For healthcare professionals, Twitter has become the online community tool of choice to connect with colleagues and their communities.

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Digital professionalism in the age of social networks

As Facebook communities go, this is one of the more unusual that I’ve recently come across: Benjyo Soujer.

It’s a network of virtual friends who meet up in real life, in real time to clean public toilets in Tokyo every Sunday. The group claims that disinfecting urinals, toilet bowls and sinks across Japan’s capital helps to bond them as a community, cleansing the soul at the same time. Unbelievably, for the more adventurous members the real challenge is to clean the toilets with their bare hands!

The Benjyo Soujer Facebook group is a peculiar tale of well meaning – although clearly odd – Tokyo 20 somethings. But I use it as an extreme example of the sheer variety of groups and communities now building a presence online.

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