Picture of mobile tablets and social bubbles

Big data, the death of the website, SEO, podcasts and nano pills

In this week’s digital roundup I look at blogs on data,  content over SEO, the demise of websites, the resurgence of podcasts and a wearable health solution for cancer.


The first blog is is about Dadaviz, which is being called the YouTube of data visualisation. Dadaviz started out as Wikibrains, a simplweb app making simple-to-visualise Wikipedia topics as bubble maps. This has since developed into a data visualisation business as people’s appetite’s for digesting online data through images have increased. The company’s aim is to be a portal for the best visualisation of data content on the web. Not too ambitious then…

Death of the website

Next up is a blog on 4 web design trends for 2015 that will change your job forever . The interesting and none geek element of this blog is point 4, the decline of websites as we know them. So do we need websites or do we just need apps and social networks to find what we want? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t here, but it’s worth posing the question…

Content over SEO

This week’s Moz blog looked at the issue of content over SEO. Do websites with good updated content need an SEO (and in particular, link building) strategy? You can draw your own conclusions, but it does highlight the role of SEO in the post penguin world.

Rise and rise of podcasting

What is behind the podcast renaissance? That’s the next blog on my list. Several reasons exist including better quality gear, more professionalism behind the content and, of course, the rise of the smart phone – as if we didn’t know …

Internet of Things

Finally to the Internet of things. Google is developing a wearable device that links with nano pills that can detect cancer and other terminal diseases. Time for that Star Trek moment…